Be the light

Being kind..Is not about telling be kind..Without even understanding..The whole perspective..Its about leading by examples..Practicing kindness..To yourself and others. Being kind to even those..Who do not understand it..Take it for granted..Misunderstood, take advantage..Well….Only with those whose human inside aliveWill might introspect..And try to amend themselves..Your kindness turn into hope for them..And if they try theContinue reading “Be the light”

How far you have come..Just to be a….

Something has changed.. With Continuous.. Injustice and unfair treatment.. Waiting for truth to win.. But observing unfortunately..Opposite And felt trapped.. Anxious and Suffocated. Unwanted comments.. To justify ..Justify to whom ..don’t realise ..falsely justifying it to yourself …To get away from guilt !!!The comments that have no real meanings… As intention was never to fullyContinue reading “How far you have come..Just to be a….”


Raw I was..Used to feel all emotions..Deeply .. Express them…Thoroughly…Knowingly and unknowingly…If not in words…Then in body languageAnd how easy to read the language of eyes..NaturallyBut now!I can tell myself stories..And change any narrative..And make myself believe…Anything…Even What’s not true…Or whatever I want to…You call it maturity…I call it voidI do feel…still…But not that wide…IContinue reading “Void”

Noone can hide

Oh manipulator!..Your inability to accept your mistakes..And see the truth which is black and white..And here you play your favourite game..To narrate the stories the way they don’t exist..With the weapon of lie and deceit.. You must be proud of yourself..As a lot of people are here to believe..The one who is so not connectedContinue reading “Noone can hide”

किसको दोषी ठहराऊँ

कमाने निकलता हूँ जनाबजिंदा रहने के लिएखुशी ढूंढ़ लेता हूँछोटी छोटी चीजों मेंभीड़ का हिस्सा हूँभीड़ को अपना मान लेता हूँपरजान हथेली पर हैएक झटके का मोहताजहालातों से तो लड़ लूँदुर्घटनाओं की आजमाइश परबेबस हो जाऊंगिरकर संभलने की कोशिश करता हूँपरजिनके लिए कमाने निकलता हूँजिनको पीछे छोड़ आयाखुद को या उनकोअब क्या समझाऊँइस लड़ाई मेंबिनाContinue reading “किसको दोषी ठहराऊँ”

Distantly connected…

The words you read..Chords they stroke..As per your own thought process..And experiences..AndThenSomeone out there..Who exactly understands..What has been written and said..Or the story behind it..Or just resonates.. One story, poem, quote or verse..But different meaning for different people..AndThenSame meaning for some people..Complete or incomplete..Or the missing sentence gets filled..Or said at the same time..Only theyContinue reading “Distantly connected…”

Set free…

When it was part of me and my story..It was safe with me..When I shared it with the world..It sets me free..AndIt sets all free..Empowering it is. With all having their own journeys..The Path crossed sometimes for no reason..Just memories..Faded with time..No! Cherished the beautiful one’s lifetimeHope everyone reach their destinations happily..With lovely and smoothContinue reading “Set free…”


I have seen those impactful unknown faces whose eyes tell lots of stories..But I really don’t know why I keep them recalling…Unintentionally.. I want to forget some chapters in my story..But even with slight resemblance, get triggers from nowhere..And either I am sobbing or smiling..And then complaining..That’s how till now… really!Why I am not completelyContinue reading “Compelling..”

Angelic Acts..

It takes kindness, love and respect to touch other’s heart while anyone speaks..You show your beautiful heart in your words..It takes wise eyes to understand the body language and cues..You show your deep perspective of life when you understand the implicit.. It takes a warmth in the soul just to make others feel better..You CHOOSEContinue reading “Angelic Acts..”


When someone can’t be there at your lowest..Nor be able to share small or big successes..That’s the answer..Quite simple yet unnecessarily complicated..That with either scream or silence..You know whom you want to share the most..Looking for those eyes and smile in your own crowd..But yet so helpless..You know your incomplete bliss..You felt the sorrow alongContinue reading “Unfortunate”