Be the light

Being kind..Is not about telling be kind..Without even understanding..The whole perspective..Its about leading by examples..Practicing kindness..To yourself and others. Being kind to even those..Who do not understand it..Take it for granted..Misunderstood, take advantage..Well….Only with those whose human inside aliveWill might introspect..And try to amend themselves..Your kindness turn into hope for them..And if they try theContinue reading “Be the light”

Alone yet never alone…

Contradicting to the popular belief..I can never connote being alone as negative. Had Never, can never and will ever foul cry about it.. Spiritually..God and nature is always with meI feel the nature.. vibe with it..Air, water, sky, plants, birds,animals, stars, sun, galaxies, sea, mountain ..Holy mother earth, how beautiful it is. In human world..AsContinue reading “Alone yet never alone…”

Noone can hide

Oh manipulator!..Your inability to accept your mistakes..And see the truth which is black and white..And here you play your favourite game..To narrate the stories the way they don’t exist..With the weapon of lie and deceit.. You must be proud of yourself..As a lot of people are here to believe..The one who is so not connectedContinue reading “Noone can hide”

किसको दोषी ठहराऊँ

कमाने निकलता हूँ जनाबजिंदा रहने के लिएखुशी ढूंढ़ लेता हूँछोटी छोटी चीजों मेंभीड़ का हिस्सा हूँभीड़ को अपना मान लेता हूँपरजान हथेली पर हैएक झटके का मोहताजहालातों से तो लड़ लूँदुर्घटनाओं की आजमाइश परबेबस हो जाऊंगिरकर संभलने की कोशिश करता हूँपरजिनके लिए कमाने निकलता हूँजिनको पीछे छोड़ आयाखुद को या उनकोअब क्या समझाऊँइस लड़ाई मेंबिनाContinue reading “किसको दोषी ठहराऊँ”

Lost to be found

It’s the view or the capture..Sound or the wind..A Mesmerising spectacle..It’s the lyrics or the music..The one who plays or the one who sing or the one who dances..Or the one Who draws or..The above all one who teaches..Everything has just become more meaningful..A serene after chaos..Or encountering your own being after so long..Soul connectsContinue reading “Lost to be found”

Justice to be served

To all those people..Who don’t consider other human..Just for your own selfish motives..Living in a – I, me, myself grandiosity bubble.. When confronted with truth..Get triggered and feel targeted..Abuse other kindness, take undue advantage and set false narratives..Lie that much that forget the lie- truth difference..Always false victimise as the whole world is blind..Play victimContinue reading “Justice to be served”

Fly high..

A bigger sky..My dreams have found it wings..That needs to fly..Urge to fly..Meant to fly..Very high..Soaring high.. Till now..Dancing in own tunes..Rhyming with heart and soul..At my comfort zone..For so long.But now is the time..For a bigger stage..As steps are bigger and better..The small centre, but my bigger steps..Space constraint is hurting me and myContinue reading “Fly high..” lies..

With counting years of experience and circumstances..If giving excuses and telling lies..Flow naturally like a river flow, wind blow..Does the experience count, increases or depletes? A book is less to write on excuses and lies.. and but confidence to say it actually overflows..With such determination, conviction..Sadly, so loosely.. And the most unfortunate part..You think allContinue reading “ lies..”


Pondering your greatness and dodging what is true..Misunderstood yourself and justifying through..Thinking all better versions of being human written for you..That’s not harming but whom you are kidding..The challenge is different and how to comprehend..That I can’t even show you what I have written for you..Don’t want to hurt anyone and that includes you..My thoughtsContinue reading “Mirage”

For a better tomorrow…

I am enduring with my strength…And fighting battles of judgements..I Know what I feel..Sometimes positive, some day numb and some day just broke down…When I am subjected to prejudice…But it just increases my inner strength..Being myself, the world will amend..Really…Did the world amend?Did it let go spreading hate, judgement?Did it accept if we do notContinue reading “For a better tomorrow…”