
Raw I was..Used to feel all emotions..Deeply .. Express them…Thoroughly…Knowingly and unknowingly…If not in words…Then in body languageAnd how easy to read the language of eyes..NaturallyBut now!I can tell myself stories..And change any narrative..And make myself believe…Anything…Even What’s not true…Or whatever I want to…You call it maturity…I call it voidI do feel…still…But not that wide…IContinue reading “Void”

Distantly connected…

The words you read..Chords they stroke..As per your own thought process..And experiences..AndThenSomeone out there..Who exactly understands..What has been written and said..Or the story behind it..Or just resonates.. One story, poem, quote or verse..But different meaning for different people..AndThenSame meaning for some people..Complete or incomplete..Or the missing sentence gets filled..Or said at the same time..Only theyContinue reading “Distantly connected…”

Lost to be found

It’s the view or the capture..Sound or the wind..A Mesmerising spectacle..It’s the lyrics or the music..The one who plays or the one who sing or the one who dances..Or the one Who draws or..The above all one who teaches..Everything has just become more meaningful..A serene after chaos..Or encountering your own being after so long..Soul connectsContinue reading “Lost to be found”


Pondering your greatness and dodging what is true..Misunderstood yourself and justifying through..Thinking all better versions of being human written for you..That’s not harming but whom you are kidding..The challenge is different and how to comprehend..That I can’t even show you what I have written for you..Don’t want to hurt anyone and that includes you..My thoughtsContinue reading “Mirage”

Meant to be…

What should I say about her..I just can write a whole book..And that will also not suffice..He said with loving eyes…Gazing at her… And by saying that..With that promising look..He said more than enough..They both made the journey togetherOf friendship, trust and love..To meet a beautiful destination as well as a beginning.. Beautiful it alwaysContinue reading “Meant to be…”


Her smile and aura is full of life..She lives like no tomorrow..Retired from work..Living with her only son, very hardworking, obedient and loving..She makes everyone around her cheerful..With her enthusiasm and smile.. But that dark phase..Of fighting the battle with her son covid treatment..Running for help for hospital, oxygen cylinder and ventilators..Her spirit for hisContinue reading “Howl”

Eternal vs ego!

Oh mind what a great learner you areYou have learned the cues, the words and then to communicate Oh heart sometimes I wonder you always knew what eyes says…You connect with soul and just put what is needed in place… All was fine till one day ego sit at the headYou choose silence where neededContinue reading “Eternal vs ego!”

Missing Vibes

I Knew the day will come..When you are going to leave my dear friend..That day I don’t wish to part of..As my heart breaks on goodbye’s..Just few days before…We were laughing at something together..And I just realise…It would not be so frequent..That we could share a smile in person..And I looked mesmerizingly at your laugh…CouldContinue reading “Missing Vibes”

Beyond meaning…

Reading the words..Thinking beyond the meaning..Writing about it…trying…With a perspective…A heart full of feelings..But with a void..Void that filled with silence…Writers are those who felt deeply …sometimes yes with overthinking..Wholesome experience, but..Gruesome incomplete..And still just by the little touch of real emotions..They can let you know..More beautiful than you ever know yourself..Just the exact wordsContinue reading “Beyond meaning…”

An emotional bye

Silence..Just silences,She was standing with her group..When finally the car came to pick her up..She hugged all with a heavy heart..And as she steps ahead one of the closest friend can’t control his tears..And the last thread of patience looses..All just started to cry..As she has to board the car being late..She looked back..One lastContinue reading “An emotional bye”